Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Sword by Bryan Litfin

It is my understanding that Bryan Litfin is a pastor who is very, VERY learned.  Valedictorian at University of Tennessee, Master's work at Dallas Theological Seminary, works at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.  He seems to have some brains!!!
Well, he has a great imagination as well.  He has created a world (really our world) where it is 400 years into the future, and has done it with clarity and grace.  The characters in The Sword are all at different places in their lives, spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.  Teo needs help (more than once), Ana is the helper (more than once), Maurice is the sage, Ana's parents are wishy-washy.  The realm of Chiveis is a beautiful place if you allow your imagination to see it.  There is evil, there is good, and there is a hope for a better place.  Don't try to read this all at once.  Allow yourself to drink it in and challenge yourself in your views.  I have to admit that I have been Teo in different points in my life.

I don't like to give away plots, so I will just recommend this book.  It makes you think about what it will be like in the future/past/future.  Read the book and you'll understand.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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