Monday, October 24, 2011

Through the Fire by Shawn Grady

Growing up I never really wanted to be a fireman, I was more of the policeman type.  As I have gotten older (and hopefully wiser) I have come to realize more and more that I think I would like to be a firefighter.  Not in a big city like NewYork or Chicago, or even Reno (where this book is based), but in a small community.

Aiden O'Neill (or A-O) is a third generation firefighter and is beginning to have some trouble "hearing" the fire when he goes in.  He has an inate talent to "hear" the fire and know what it is going to do next ... so did his dad.  The problem is, his dad died in a fire five years ago ... in a circumstance where he shouldn't have been in harm's way.

This is what is making Aiden think about life ... well that and him almost getting his new partner killed in an accident where he wasn't following orders.  Aiden is "every-man" ... working hard to make something of himself, often putting it before everything else.  His life is in shambles and he is places on two week leave.  He visits his uncle in Mexico and comes back to face his fears once again.  He speaks candidly to his father's friend Ben, and Ben tells him that he can still hear the fire ... he just needs to listen.  Kinda like we can always hear God talking, but are we really listening.

Decent read ... it was worth the time.

Rating: 3/5

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day of War (Lion of War Series) by Cliff Graham Review

Finally ... another post regarding a book review.

Let me start off by saying that I have never read First or Second Samuel, but reading this book made me dive into the Old Testament with fervor.  David was an amazing person, with all his warts, problems, issues, lusts, and everything else he loved God above all else.

This book takes a small reference from 2 Samuel and novelizes it.  It is gracefully done, and follows not only David through a very trying time but it also follows his Three and the one who should also be considered Benaiah.  It gives great historical references and is so true to how things were in Davids time that you feel as if you are right there in the dust and grime.  It is extremely graphic in its description of the battles and how they tried to totally annihilate the opposing forces, not just make them surrender.  They tried to kill them all.

The story centers mostly on Benaiah and his struggles in his personal life, and how it is affecting his entire world.  He is a sturdy character and it is nice to see that some of the most important people in the Bible were really human as well.

I guess that Cliff Graham is going to be writing four more books in this series.  I'm interested to see how he is going to do it.  This is definitely a book that I'd recommend if you are into Biblical history.  From reading in 2 Samuel I see that the historical evidence is there for the basis of this story, and I appreciate Mr. Graham's ability to expound on what was handed down to us in the Scriptures.

I'm not sure what is next, but I'll let you know when I finish it.
Rating: 4/5